The Ultimate Guide to the Top 10 TikTok Agencies for eCommerce in 2024

Staying ahead in eCommerce is crucial. In today’s competitive market, finding innovative ways to boost your store’s visibility can make all the difference. One of the best ways to achieve this is through TikTok. 

This social media platform has revolutionised marketing strategies, making it a goldmine for businesses looking to capture a wider audience. This guide explores the top 10 TikTok agencies for eCommerce in 2024. These agencies are experts in creating captivating content that grabs attention and drives sales.

Why are these agencies special? They understand the intricacies of trends and algorithms that govern TikTok. Partnering with them means utilising their expertise to achieve significant growth for your business

Here is the list of top 10 Tiktok agencies for ecommerce in 2024:

  1. Pearl Lemon Group
  2. Favoured
  3. HypeFactory
  4. Burst Digital
  5. Growthcurve
  6. Pixated
  7. OCD Studio
  8. Launch Online
  9. Make Us Care
  10. Hustle

Pearl Lemon Group

Pearl Lemon Group leads in TikTok marketing for eCommerce. We create engaging videos for younger audiences. We focus on high-quality content that boosts brand awareness and sales. Pearl Lemon excels in influencer collaborations and reaching the right audience. Our deep knowledge of TikTok trends optimises campaigns effectively. We help eCommerce brands grow with TikTok’s vast user base. 

At Pearl Lemon Group, we take a comprehensive approach to ensure all aspects of your marketing campaign are covered. We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. Instead, we provide personalised strategies customised to your unique business needs. We prioritise understanding your goals and offer dedicated support throughout the campaign. This commitment to your success sets us apart and ensures your brand grows significantly.


Favoured is a data-driven agency with full-funnel strategies. They combine top creative production with performance techniques. Specialising in TikTok ads, they create content that drives results. Favoured focuses on influencer collaborations, user-generated content, and strategic ads to boost visibility and sales

Their approach includes conversion strategies, growth hacking, and email automation. They help brands grow through innovative TikTok marketing. Their team uses advanced analytics to track and optimise campaign performance. This data-driven approach ensures that every aspect of the marketing strategy is fine-tuned for maximum impact. Favoured’s commitment to continuous improvement makes them a reliable partner for eCommerce brands.


HypeFactory excels in enhancing brand visibility and driving sales. They use TikTok influencers to create authentic content. Their data-driven analysis and AI optimise campaigns ensure the right message reaches the audience.HypeFactory handles campaign planning, influencer selection, content creation, and performance tracking. 

They emphasise long-term influencer partnerships for higher engagement and conversion. Their holistic approach ensures smooth and effective campaign execution. In addition to their strategic expertise, HypeFactory offers comprehensive support throughout the campaign lifecycle. They manage all logistical aspects, including legal agreements and deadline management, ensuring a hassle-free experience for their clients.

Burst Digital

Burst Digital is a full-service agency in London, New York, and San Francisco. They specialise in TikTok branding, digital marketing, and e-commerce SEO. Burst Digital’s innovative approach creates engaging TikTok content customised to your brand. They deliver customised strategies to enhance visibility and drive sales

Their team ensures smooth execution with unlimited revisions and transparent pricing. Burst Digital helps brands create memorable and impactful campaigns that resonate with audiences. 

Their expertise extends to creating visually captivating content that aligns with your brand identity. Burst Digital’s commitment to quality and client satisfaction makes them a top choice for eCommerce brands seeking effective TikTok marketing solutions.


Growthcurve specialises in high-performance ecommerce ad creatives for TikTok and other platforms. They offer a subscription-based creative service with art direction, motion graphics, and branding. Growthcurve’s strategies use consumer insights and psychological hooks to create resonant ads. They cover everything from strategy to optimisation, ensuring significant returns on ad spend. 

Their data-driven approach ensures campaigns are continuously improved for better performance. Their subscription model provides access to a world-class creative department, making it a cost-effective alternative to traditional agencies. Growthcurve’s comprehensive service offering ensures your brand stays ahead of the ever-evolving digital landscape.


Pixated focuses on scalable, sustainable growth for eCommerce brands. They offer services like Facebook and TikTok ads, PPC, web design, creative branding, email marketing, and social media. Pixated crafts unique strategies customised to each client’s goals. Their digital marketing expertise boosts ROI and online presence. 

Pixated’s comprehensive approach ensures that all aspects of marketing are effectively managed to drive growth. Their team’s expertise in various digital marketing channels allows them to create integrated campaigns that deliver measurable results. Pixated’s commitment to client success is evident in their customised strategies and continuous support.

OCD Studio

OCD Studio

OCD Studio drives growth through social media marketing, brand building, and creative consulting. It balances brand building with performance strategies. Its services include brand strategy, content production, and event marketing.OCD Studio excels in TikTok marketing, creating engaging content and managing logistics for significant impact. 

OCD Studio offers personalised solutions to help brands achieve their business goals. Their holistic approach ensures that all elements of your marketing strategy work together seamlessly. In addition to its marketing services, OCD Studio provides strategic consulting to help brands navigate the complexities of the digital landscape. Their commitment to client success makes them a valuable partner for eCommerce brands.

Launch Online

Launch Online is a top-performance marketing agency specialising in paid media, including search, social, video, and display ads on TikTok. As a Google Premier Partner, Launch Online drives growth for eCommerce brands with targeted campaigns and data analytics. They ensure high ROI and audience engagement. Launch Online’s comprehensive approach ensures that all marketing efforts are aligned with business objectives for maximum impact. 

Their data analytics expertise allows them to optimise campaigns for better performance continuously. Launch Online’s dedicated team provides ongoing support to ensure your marketing strategies are effective and adaptable to changing market conditions. Their focus on client success makes them a reliable partner for eCommerce brands.

Make Us Care

Make Us Care builds strong brand-customer connections through strategic marketing. Their services include brand messaging, creative campaigns, visual identity, and video production for Tiktok. They make brands memorable by creating campaigns that resonate deeply with the audience.

Make Us Care’s holistic approach ensures every campaign is customised to connect with customers personally, driving loyalty and engagement. Their team’s expertise in creating emotionally engaging content helps brands build lasting relationships with their customers. Make Us Care’s commitment to excellence and client satisfaction makes them a top choice for eCommerce brands.


Hustle focuses on delivering user-centric TikTok strategies for ecommerce and offers lifecycle support for startups and established businesses. Its services include strategy, digital growth, and public relations. Their team is dedicated to driving growth and engagement with a collaborative and supportive culture. 

Their commitment to delivering results makes them a reliable partner for eCommerce brands. Hustle’s digital marketing and public relations expertise helps brands create compelling narratives that resonate with their target audience.

Why Choose Pearl Lemon Group

Pearl Lemon Group has seasoned professionals in TikTok marketing. We tailor campaigns to drive growth and engagement.

Innovative Strategies

We stay ahead of trends, using the latest techniques to create compelling content. Our approach ensures your brand stands out.

Comprehensive Services

From content creation to influencer collaborations, Pearl Lemon Group covers all aspects of TikTok marketing for seamless execution.

Data-Driven Approach

We use advanced analytics to optimise campaigns. Our strategies ensure high ROI.

Client-Centric Focus

Pearl Lemon Group offers personalised solutions and dedicated support. We prioritise your business goals for success.

Upgrade Your eCommerce with Top TikTok Agencies.

Choosing the right TikTok agency can transform your eCommerce business. Pearl Lemon Group’s proven expertise, innovative strategies, and comprehensive services stand out. Our data-driven approach and client-centric focus make them a top choice for any eCommerce venture.

Other agencies, such as Favoured, HypeFactory, Burst Digital, Growthcurve, Pixated, OCD Studio, Launch Online, Make Us Care, and Hustle, also offer exceptional services. Each brings unique strengths to the table. These agencies excel in creating engaging content, utilising influencer partnerships, and optimising campaigns for maximum impact.

Contact Pearl Lemon Group today to see how they can grow your brand. Start your journey to eCommerce excellence with the best in the industry, and watch your business thrive in the competitive digital landscape.